Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome and email correction

Hi and welcome to the Salem Lutheran blog. First things first: I need to correct our email address. It is:, NOT I'm trying to get the change made in the blog profile, but it hasn't shown up yet. Thanks to Rich Miller at the ELCA church-wide office in Chicago for his suggestion to create a church blog in lieu of a website. If you had looked for our old website (the link was on our profile at you would not have found it. The website seems to have disappeared, although the front page of the old website can still be seen at

You can look here for info about Salem Lutheran Church in the shadow of the Smokey Mountains - worship times, events, photos, etc., etc., etc. And maybe some ramblings by me and other members of Salem.

And maybe it goes without saying but keep posts clean and appropriate or I will have to remove them.

Peace be with you, Pr. J

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