Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New links!

Hi all,

I just posted a few new links for Bible study resources. Look for these links on the left side of this page; each is identified with the words "Bible Study -..." Two are links to resources for basic introductory level Bible studies of the Old and New Testaments. One is a link to resources for more advanced, academic level Bible study. Hopefully you may find these resources helpful in your own personal Bible study in your own time. These are links to good websites recommended by the Southeastern Synod. A word of caution though - not everything you might want to find will be available at any one internet resource. However, these web resources will probably meet the needs of the average parishioner. So explore, have fun, learn, and grow!

Peace to all,

Pr. J

Saturday, March 21, 2009

New sermon posted

Hi all,

I just posted tomorrow's sermon over on the semron blog. Use the link for Pastor's Sermons on the left side of this page to get there.

Pr. J

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Update on the state of the blog

Hi all,

Thought I should let you know that I found some links on the left side of the page that were not working correctly and they should be fixed now. If you find a link that is not working let me know. I also added more links for our seminaries, should anyone be thinking about church vocations.

In addition I went back to a couple of older posts in the sermon blog and cleaned up a few typos and added a little more content to my remarks about Yahweh. If you were following those posts you might want to go back to them.

And finally, I want to thank the Salem WELCA for their card to my step-mother Hideko. I know it will be appreciated by her and my father.

Peace be with you,

Pr. J

Considering a church vocation??


Thinking about what you can do for your church? There are just all kinds of vocations out there that need good people to fill them. And one doesn't have to be ordained to have a church vocation, either. There's lots of opportunities and lots of need for lay ministers as well as pastors.

If you are interested in what you might do for your church one of the things you can do is ask me about it. Here in the Southeastern Synod the SALLT program is going to get started again in the fall. A couple of people have expressed interest in exploring what they might do above and beyond what they have already done in the church. SALLT is one way to help you find out.

Another thing you might do is try looking at this link at the ELCA website:

And remember: no matter what it is you do in life, farmer, truck driver, teacher, rocket scientist, ... you, as a disciple, are answering a call to fill a vocation that is unique to you.

Peace be with you,

Pr. J

Some updates and Lenten trivia

Hi all,

First of all, an announcement about our upcoming Seder Service:

If you have not heard, we are asking that people sign up for the Maundy Thursday Seder Service so that we know how many to prepare for. The deadline is Palm Sunday. This is especially important since the Seder involves certain specific types of food used in the ritual, and we need to know how much to provide. Otherwise, bring your own dish to share. The actual Passover meal can be as simple as the soup and sandwich Lenten dinners we're having on Wednesday nights. And be prepared to go through the bulk of the Seder service BEFORE we eat, and to finish the Seder service AFTER we eat. Once the Seder is concluded we will go upstairs for the formal stripping of the altar.

Our Seder service will be a little abridged and adapted for use by a Christian gathering. The traditional Seder can last quite a long time, with guidelines for its length and actual enactment set forth in Jewish Law, the Halakha. We don't want to spend all night at the Seder, so we are abridging it somewhat.

We may serve wine or grape juice, either is appropriate for the three ritual cups that we will drink during the service; we may even serve both.

Next, an announcement about the Cub Scouts:

Our Church Council decided to let the Scouts use our facility through the end of this year at least. So we are happy to announce that the Cub Scouts will start meeting at Salem today, and will meet every Thursday night 6:00 - 7:30 pm, pending changes in Salem's schedule. (Maundy Thursday is a possible exception to this schedule.) Let's welcome the Scouts as our new partners in mission in Parrottsville!

And finally, here's some Lenten trivia for you about the 4th Sunday in Lent:

The fourth and middle Sunday in Lent is traditionally known as Laetare Sunday. For those who feel the pronunciation is important, that's Laetare as in "LIE - tar - ay." That's "lie" as in telling one, "tar" which goes with feathers, and "ay" as in day (or as in "good day, ay! if you're Canadian). I'm sure my Classical Latin bias is showing here; I can tell you all about Latin diphthongs and the antepenultimate rule if you really have to know more about the pronunciation and the accent on the first syllable. In some circles the name is pronounced a little differently, either because people are using "Church Latin" (which all of us with a Classical bias detest!) or they are using one or another "English" pronunciation of the word. I'll stick to "LIE-tar-ay."

Laetare means "to rejoice" in Latin. The name comes from the first words of the introit (entrance psalm) for this Sunday in the old Latin mass, "Laetare Ierusalem," "Rejoice, O Jerusalem..." Its earliest documented use is the year 714.

Traditionally, Laetare Sunday has had other names, such as the Sunday of the Five Loaves, and Rose Sunday. This was becuase of the traditional Gospel reading for the day, in which Jesus took five loaves of bread and fed a multitude, and because this Sunday was the day on which the Pope would bless golden roses sent to European monarchs.

In the Anglican tradition Laetare Sunday also came to be called Mothering Sunday since it was the Sunday on which people sent their offerings to the local Cathedral, or "Mother Church." More recently it became known as Refreshment Sunday, indicating a break from one's Lenten fast is appropriate on this day.

We Lutherans no longer use the traditional lectionary - we use the Common Lectionary, nor do we bless golden roses to send to world leaders, nor do we send offerings to a "Mother Church," nor do we seem to have any awareness that we can take a break from our Lenten fast (and we aren't even sure we should have a Lenten fast), so all the names and uses for this Sunday have pretty much been forgotten by Lutherans - except at my old intern church where they hang on to everything liturgical.

So, even though Laetare is still a major part of the Roman Catholic and Anglican worship tradition, for most Lutherans the use of the word has fallen by the way side. Even so, it helps us to remember our roots in the greater church, and to be in touch with our tradition and history which has shaped us and made us what we are today.

One may find out more about Laetare at these websites or just enter the word Laetare into your search engine:


Peace be with you always,

Pr. J

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New sermon notes posted

Hi all,

I posted some new sermon notes for last Sunday's sermon. You can find them here: http://prjsermons.blogspot.com/, or use the link at the left side of the page for Pastor's sermons.

Remember, these are just notes, and not meant to to be a sermon. Be warned! It was necessary to dive into ancient Hebrew to make a few comments on Yahweh. Maybe you'll find it interesting.

Oh, and if you should think the notes just sort of end abruptly, well, that's just your cue to keep on thinking on your own.

Peace be with you.

Pr. J

P.S.: No, the actor Gene Wilder is not a relative. That's just his stage name. However, he does seem to portray the nutsy mannerisms of my family rather well.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mid-week Lenten worship

As long as we are not crowded I think I'll just keep the Mid-week worship at Salem downstairs in the fellowship hall after the meal if that's alright with everyone. That helps keep things simple. Otherwise, if there are too many of us, we will have to move upstairs.

Peace be with you,

Pr. J

New sermon blog up and running

Hi all,

I just created a new sermons-only blog and copied the old sermon posts to it. I also put a link to it on the main Salem Church blog. Look for it on the side bar as Pastor's Sermons. This is the link: http://prjsermons.blogspot.com/.

I will probably create a Youth blog also in the near future.

In addition, I can add up to 100 authors to the blog. Not that I'm looking for that many! But we would have no problem adding as many authors as we need to run a pretty good blog for the church.

Peace be with you,

Pr. J

Lenten Mid-week Services

Hi all,

In the movie "Ladyhawke" (one of my all-time favorites) we first meet the ragged outcast priest Imperius (Leo McKern) when he shouts down at Philippe "the Mouse" Gaston (Matthew Broderick) from the wall of a ruined castle: "Oh, God! Is it Lent again!?"

The answer is: yes! It is that time of year again. Lent has come. We are doing mid-week lenten soup and sandwich dinners at Salem, followed by informal Lenten worship. All are invited. Soup and sandwiches are at 6 pm. Worship at 6:30 pm. Holy Communion will be offered. I will also offer a healing service on March 18 during mid-week worship.

Our Mid-week Lenten worship is simple, informal, and spoken. The hymnal is needed only for the hymn. There will be a brief Lenten meditation. Please leave this copy of the bulletin here so that we may use it again next week.

So on Wednesday nights for the next few weeks join us. Take a moment. Breathe. Relax. Be at ease. Let go of your daily burdens, sins, pain, and shame before the altar. We come onto holy ground here and into the presence of Christ who has compassion for us. We are the world that God so loved. We are the crowd that Jesus saw and had compassion for. We receive the sacrament of his body and blood. And we are sent forth with the reassurance of his forgiveness and salvation in the knowledge that we are indeed children of God.

Peace be with you,

Pr. J