Thursday, March 19, 2009

Considering a church vocation??


Thinking about what you can do for your church? There are just all kinds of vocations out there that need good people to fill them. And one doesn't have to be ordained to have a church vocation, either. There's lots of opportunities and lots of need for lay ministers as well as pastors.

If you are interested in what you might do for your church one of the things you can do is ask me about it. Here in the Southeastern Synod the SALLT program is going to get started again in the fall. A couple of people have expressed interest in exploring what they might do above and beyond what they have already done in the church. SALLT is one way to help you find out.

Another thing you might do is try looking at this link at the ELCA website:

And remember: no matter what it is you do in life, farmer, truck driver, teacher, rocket scientist, ... you, as a disciple, are answering a call to fill a vocation that is unique to you.

Peace be with you,

Pr. J

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